In this section of the Village Project website we highlight great peep achievement in all areas of peep endeavor.  If there is a peep accomplishment -- whether it be a architectural creation, a interior innovation, a technological advance, a town law or constitution, a groundbreaking work of art or craftsmanship -- you would like to have included on this page please email .

Engineering Feats
Excellence in the Arts
Technological Advances
NEW!! Pipsograd River, a town river with running water, Pipsograd spring 2002

Galactic Yo-Yo, Lilliputia spring 2000

Covered Bridge, Peepsburg spring 1999

Mateusz Elevator, Peeps City summer 1999

Benny's Taxi, Peepsburg spring 1999

NEW!! Little Day Newspaper, produced by a team of journalists in the town of Little Land, 2001-2002

NEW!!  "Dude Come to Hollywood" Music Video, recorded by Little Band, Little Land spring 2002 

"Egyptian Mystery", a drama by Ziko, Smile of Pozega summer 1998

Please also visit to the Peep National Art Museum to see many peep achievements in the visual arts.

Recycled Bathroom Fixtures,  made by Suzanne, Vistula spring 2001

Agata's Bakery, Peeps City summer 1999

Electric Pottery Wheel, Peeps City summer 1999

Peep Government
Peep Houses
Redgate Constitution, spring 1999 George's 3 story cube house, Metropeep spring 1999

Jennifer and Analuz's "stepped" house, Metropeep spring 1999

The Pedro Snake House, The Dominican Village spring 1999

Juan's Curved Glass Building, Down Peep Town spring 1999

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 Copyright © 1999-2005 
 The Village Project Inc.
 Page last updated July 3, 2005